
Cutting down your smoking, is an easy way to give you the eventual confidence to stop completely and can be achieved by anyone.

Lets look at how cutting down can make giving up in the long run easier and some simple tips to make it work for you.

1. Cutting down is easier psychologically


You know that you can have a cigarette in the near future and this makes it easier to do without smoking for periods of time.

If you have been able to cut down then this also gives you confidence to eventually give up completely i.e you know you can get by without cigarettes.

2. How to cut down

Set periods in the day where you don't smoke and go for a gradual reduction, say your smoking 20 a day cut down by 10% - 20% each week.

This should not be too difficult for most people to achieve as the change is gradual.

3. Keep a log

Allocate each day an exact amount you can smoke, stick with it and try and come down each week. If the percentage amount is to much for you simply reduce the percentage

Smoking to a large degree is a habit and this will help you reduce it gradually building up to the day that you finally stop.

4. If cravings get to you

Try an NRT product for parts of the day when your not smoking:

Gum, patches, puffers and inhalers will all take the edge off the craving.

There is also a new product on the market nicotine water, which is simply a bottle of water with pure organic nicotine in it, so you can sip it whenever you need to.

This new way is convenient and you get hydrated at the same time and this method is becoming very popular with smokers, when they cant or don't wish to smoke.

Keep in mind that nicotine on its own does you no harm at all, when removed from cigarettes. If you find cravings too much then by all means use a nicotine alternative.

In fact, nicotine is good for you in organic form as its proven to improve memory, attention and mood.
Many people think nicotine causes death and disease, it does not, that's some of the other 4,000 chemicals many of them poisons contained in cigarette smoking. so don't feel bad about taking nicotine outside of cigarettes.

5. Can cutting down really help you give up$%:

Of course, you reduce the psychological and physical dependence at the same time and this gives you a gradual reduction and increases confidence.

When you know you can do without smoking for periods of time, it gives you the spur to eventually give up completely.

So rather than go all out and stop completely try the gradual reduction method.

You will cut down (which by itself is good) and it may also inspire you and give you the confidence to give up completely.

    創作者 bdmorgan 的頭像


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